RAIN RFID wristbands empower hospitals' efficiency and patient safety - Tadbik

RAIN RFID wristbands empower hospitals’ efficiency and patient safety

Author: Tadbik Team

Did you know RFID patient wristbands can enable even $100K savings per month?

Hospitals and medical facilities face escalating challenges such as overcrowding and rising costs of services. Healthcare providers are actively seeking innovative solutions that not only streamline operations but also enhance patient care. In this quest for efficiency and cost-effectiveness, technology has played a pivotal role. With recent advancements in Passive RAIN RFID wristbands proving to be a game-changer and technology enabler for healthcare facilities.

The problems:
In the current landscape, hospitals face significant hurdles. Records show that the ED (Emergency Department) average wait time at hospitals is 4hrs. With the use of costly RFID active tags, patients often give up on admission, and leave without returning these tags, leading to replacement expenses ranging from $5 to $50. Moreover, the cumbersome process of sanitizing tags after each use and managing their batteries poses a substantial burden on IT personnel.

Patients may experience delays in receiving care due to an insufficient number of nurses on staff. According to the Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA), facilities with understaffed nurses are prone to medical errors, poorer patient outcomes, and worker burnout. According to several Nurses’ Health Surveys, over half of the nurses reported symptoms of burnout. A high level of unsafe staffing is associated with a higher mortality rate in patients. Approximately 400,000 hospitalized patients experience some type of preventable harm each year. Medical errors in hospitals and clinics result in approximately 100,000 people dying each year. And cost about $20 Billion a year.


The Solution:
Turning to RAIN RFID technology, a revolutionary solution that uniquely identifies patients without relying on manual and visual patient credential reading, (prone to mistakes and misidentification). Strategically positioned reader antennas within healthcare facilities seamlessly track and identify patients based on automatic radio frequency tag unique ID readings.
To help eliminate patient misidentification and increase operation efficiency, at the same time, Tadbik partners with healthcare providers and introduces disposable Passive RAIN RFID wristbands. Automating patient throughputs without the need for expensive active tags, thus relieving IT personnel of arduous tasks, empowering nursing staff with automating patient flow and discharge processes, and as a result, healthcare facilities experience increasing efficiency and growing patient satisfaction.


Case Studies:
In practical applications, the influence of Passive RAIN RFID technology becomes evident through compelling success stories.

1. Streamlined Outpatient Admissions:
A healthcare partner in the North-East US has revolutionized outpatient admissions by proactively sending RAIN RFID patient smart-bands ahead of time, ensuring swift admissions and minimizing wait times. This innovation not only expedites the check-in process but also enhances overall patient satisfaction.

RAIN RFID Patient flow smart wristband

2. Remarkable Cost and Time Savings in Patient Discharge:
Another healthcare provider in the USA achieved a noteworthy 30-minute time saving per bed during patient discharge. This achievement is attributed to the automatic discharge facilitated using Tadbik bands, surpassing the traditional manual discharge performed by nurses. The result? A significant monthly cost reduction exceeding $100,000 for a 150-bed hospital.

3. Dynamic Emergency Response with RTLS:
An additional dimension of impact unfolds with a Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) provider. Their command center efficiently guides emergency vehicles to the optimal facility based on the medical staff on duty and bed management. Tadbik bands play a pivotal role in this decision-making process, ensuring that patients, such as those with head injuries requiring a brain surgeon, are directed to the facility equipped with the necessary expertise and with available beds. In addition, Tadbik designed an innovative Add-on solution to wrap around the existing patient band and add RFID capability to a standard vinyl patient band.

The results:
These tangible successes exemplify why RTLS providers and Healthcare facilities increasingly favor Passive RAIN RFID technology over active technology. This strategic shift not only translates into cost savings for healthcare clients but also elevates operational efficiency, ultimately contributing to the preservation of lives.

With the increasing adoption of RAIN RFID technology within healthcare facilities, often used for tracking medical equipment, assets, and patient files and to associate medications with patients, the infrastructure is already in place. Making patient flow tracking a bonus with a profound impact, delivering financial benefits, operational enhancements, and, most importantly, playing a crucial role in saving lives.

Eager to explore the benefits of Passive RAIN RFID technology further? Connect with Tadbik Advanced Technologies to learn how this innovative solution can be integrated into your healthcare facility, ushering in a new era of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced patient care.
Learn more at www.tadbik.com or email us at RFID@tadbik.com
Written by Michal Yanuv Max, Sales& Bizdev Manager – USA & Africa at Tadbik Advanced Technologies


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