Industrial and Logistics labeling solutions - Tadbik

Industrial & Logistics

Advanced Technologies - Tadbik

Tadbik’s durable RFID labels are an ideal solution for the industrial and logistics industry, particularly for tracking and tracing Returnable Transport Items (RTI) such as plastic crates, boxes, pallets, and waste bins. The RTI labels are designed to withstand multi-cycle washing while providing efficiency, inventory control, sustainability, and optimized supply practices. They can be customized for outdoor/harsh environments, custom printing, smart supply chain management, and chemical resistance. Tadbik’s labels optimize industrial and logistics supply chain processes, prevent errors, and promote operational efficiency. RFID labels enable automatic identification, location control, and accurate verification of items in applications like Warehouse Management and production line tracking. Tadbik’s expertise lies in pairing the right label materials and tags for each project’s needs.

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