Polynum Insulation

Duct insulation

Polynum products provide a barrier to the radiant heat generated by HVAC (Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) ducts, maintaining the temperature of the air inside the ducting system. Applying reflective insulation to the ducting decreases the amount of energy used and improves the efficiency of the system.

As a result, the customer enjoys cost savings from improved energy consumption.


Light weight
Ease of application
Works in both warm and cold climates
Non-itchy. FDA, HACCP and BRC approved.
moisture proof, fungus and mold free
Does not attract nesting, rodents, birds, or pests.
Antistatic, does not collect dust, does not retain bacteria, odors or dirt.
No protective equipment such as gloves or breathing equipment is required for installation
Hypoallergenic, non-crumbling material, no airborne micro particles, does not create respiratory problems.

Products in this category

Polynum Ultra/Net
Polynum Super/Net
Polynum Big/Net
Polynum Double